TimeShare OWnerships

Types of Timeshare Ownerships we cancel:

1 Fixed Week/Deeded Timeshare:

Fixed week, otherwise known as “Deeded Timeshare” is when you own the rights of a single unit during specific week out of the year

2 Floating Week Timeshare:

A Floating Week Timeshare is a unit that can be used anytime during a single season of the year. Depending on the times, it can also legally be attached to a specific unit.

3 Points System Timeshare:

The points- based timeshare buyer is not an owner. They are more like members of a health club or country club. Points owners are right-to-use members, meaning they don’t own anything.

4 Travel Club Membership:

Travel Club Memberships are almost identical to timeshares. But with the travel Club Membership, there are no guarantees. Members own nothing but air.

Truth About Timeshare

  • Industry is full of Scams (Do your own research)

  • Timeshare immediately loses their value.

  • Many scams happen at “The Presentation.”